Myrtle Beach Discus

Red Jaguar Discus


Introducing the stunning Red Jaguar Discus fish, a beautiful addition to any aquarium. With its vibrant red coloring and distinctive pattern, this fish is sure to catch the eye of any observer. As an industry expert, I can confidently assure you of the elegance and charm this fish will bring to your aquatic environment. YCID Exclusive

All of our Discus are bred and raised in Tap Water. Our PH is 7.4 and Temperature is between 84-86. Keeping your parameters consistent is key, dont chase the PH. We feed them Discusfood Pellets, Discusfood Flakes, brine shrimp, Freeze Dried Blackworms and our Homemade Beefheart Mix!  We recommend keeping them in Groups of 4-6. We throughly quarantine all new arrivals for atleast 3 weeks. Click here to see the variety of foods we feed in house!