Myrtle Beach Discus
Discus Quarantine Kit Pro
This kit includes all the treatments you need to perform a prophylactic treatment for ornamental fish to clean them from the most common fish parasites.
Proven treatment
A treatment protocol has been developed by Discus X CO.,LTD. and was tested on Discus fish in a trial that included 1500 discus fish from 11 farms across three countries. Samples were taken prior the treatment and lab tested to confirm multiple parasite infestation in addition to bacteriology test. The treatment protocol included with this kit has been proven to free Discus fish from Dactylogyrus (flukes), Cestoda (tapeworm), Capillaria (nematode worm), Costia, Trichodina, Oodinium and Columnaris. It also significantly reduces the population of intestinal flagellates, which increase under stress, in turn reduce the fish appetite or refuse food darken body, cause lethargy and white feces.
Treatment scope
Aeromonas salmonicida (Furunculosis) Flexibacter maritimus (Marine columnaris) Flavobacterium branchiophilum (BGD) Flavobacterium columnaris (Columnaris) Vibrio anguillarum (Vibriosis)
Vibrio harveyi
Hemorrhagic septicemia virus
Gyrodactylus salaris
Ichthyobodo necator (Costia)
Ichthyophthirius multifilis (White spot)
Neoparamoeba pemaquidensis (Amoebic Gill Disease) Trematodes
Nematodes (capillaria, Camallanus, discus maggot ...etc.) Cestodes
QTkit PRO contents:
Bactocide 1 x 20g WORMER X x 20g FLUKE X x 20g Chloramine-T x 20g
Treatment procedure:
Caution! To achieve the results we promise the instructions should be followed exactly without any modifications. Any change in the program could result in incomplete eradication of parasite or incomplete treatment of diseases.
Before you start:
a. It is always recommended to treat new fish in hospital tanks. Ideally a hospital tank will have only an air stone to supply air and a heater to control temperature (30-32 C during QT is highly recommended). A sponge filter or any other type of filter is not required because large water changes will need to be performed.
b. If your aquariums are not new and previously had fish it is recommended to sterilize them. The most economical method is to use household bleach* at 50ml/100L of aquarium water for 24 hours. After that empty out the water and rinse the aquarium well and remove the rinsing water. Fill back the aquarium and add an aquarium water conditioner at normal dose. Make sure there is no smell of residual chlorine. Complete this procedure at least 24-48 hours before the day of adding the new fish.
*WARNING: After sterilization with bleach, you should remove all the water and rinse the aquarium well before refilling it back again. Not removing all traces of chlorine before adding new fish will cause death or severe damage to your fish. If the aquarium has any filter media or substrate that may trap the chlorine and release it back again in the new water!
Day 1:
a. On the first day of receiving your new fish, first step will be to perform a 4hrs Chloramine-T bath in
external container before adding them to the aquarium.
b. Prepare containers with 20-30 Liters of water (you can use the Styrofoam box the fish were shipped in
or a plastic tub) with air stones in them -we will call this water bath-. Let the fish bags equalize to the room temperature, so that the temperature in the prepared water baths is equal to the bags. Open the fish bags that the fish were shipped in and immediately take out the fish (without the shipping water) to the receiving water bath.
c. PrepareastocksolutionofChloramine-Tandaddthecorrectdosetothewaterbathdependingon your pH and water hardness. Please follow instructions in Chloramine-T data sheet.
d. Monitor, the fish carefully through the 4 hours, normally the fish should be relaxed. If any sign of excessive stress or the fish look restless, transfer it to the aquarium. After 4 hours have passed, transfer the fish to their aquariums.
e. After transferring all the fish to the aquarium add Bactocide 1(for dosage refer to Bactocide instructions)
Hint: it is beneficial to add salt at 1g/L to enhance osmotic balance and elevate stress in the fish during first 7 days.
Day 2: After 24 hours has passed, since adding Bactocide, Make a 70-100% water change and repeat the dose.
Hint: You can make the water change every 48 hours instead of 24hrs by adding a suitable water treatment product that will protect the fish from ammonia. A dose that will neutralize up to 1 mg/L ammonia is recommended.
Day 8: Perform a 100% water change.
Day 9: Add FLUKE X and WORMER X according to instruction on each product
FLUKE X and WORMER X do not need water change to work, however, the water need to be changed to keep it clean in absence of Bio-filtration.
Note: even if you had bio-filter active its effect will be reduced or eliminated after using Bactocide
Day 10: Perform a 50% water change and re-dose only for new water NOT total tank volume. Ex: If aquarium is 200L and you change 100L, add dose for new 100L only.
Hint: Like with Bactocide if you are using a product to neutralize ammonia you can extend the water change to 48h instead of every 24h.
Day 14: Stop adding WORMER X, only add FLUKE X after water change
Day 16: Stop adding FLUKE X and end treatment with a water change.
NOTE: By now you have completed the first round of deworming for both nematodes and tapeworms, However these parasites produce eggs that are not affected by the medicine (And in some cases flukes that were shielded in first round) and will re-infest the fish when they hatch in another week. Therefore, it is very important to repeat the treatment again on Day 24.
Day 24: Add FLUKE X and WORMER X according to instruction on each product Day 29: Stop adding WORMER X, only add FLUKE X after water change
Day 31: Stop adding FLUKE X and end treatment with a water change.
By now, your fish are free from flukes and nematodes. You can enjoy keeping healthy fish that grow and breed happily, fish that will not fall easily to disease because they are not made weak by parasites.
INFO: This product is for use on Aquarium ornamental fish only.
*Please do not overdose. Use at your own risk. Myrtle Beach and its affiliates are not responsible for misuse of this product.